Let’s play a mini-game.
Guess what is the largest asset type in the world? Stock markets, index funds, gold, real estate, or bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
Global real estate is a larger asset class than all stocks, shares and securitized debt combined – which, together amount to just US$170 trillion. Furthermore, it is even greater than the value of all the gold ever mined throughout history.
According to a ground-breaking piece of research done by Savills World Research Team in 2016, global real estate values totalled US$217 trillion. Since then, real estate values have been kept increasing at a fast pace.
Some of the interesting facts of the research on the value of real estate investment:
Real estate values: US $228 Trillion
3.3 times the total value of the Stock Market of the whole world
12 times the United States’ GDP
18 times China’s GDP
Many times the value of all the gold ever mined throughout history
Each type of asset has its own pros and cons to consider before putting money in, and each will bring investors various yields.
Contrary to many people’s intuition, gold belongs to a class of investments that may not protect their wealth in the long run. According to The Economic Times, any growth in its value depends entirely on the belief that someone else will pay more for it eventually, and it does not add value to economic growth.
Falling into the same category, bitcoin, or cryptocurrencies may not be a smart choice for long-term yield because of their high volatility compared with their real applicable values.
The other option anyone can think of is stock or funds investment. As history has witnessed, many renowned investors like Warren Buffet invested stock or index funds as a primary way to accumulate enormous wealth.
Those figures have the power to bear testimony to Andrew Carnegie’s saying: “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate” or that saying of Louis Glickman: “The best investment on earth is earth."
If you have been thinking about investing in real estate in emerging markets but haven’t reached a breakthrough point yet, let Broad Avenue Team spare you the trouble of the market difficulties and help cut short your journey to success, with our core team of professionals having Ivy-League background and 50+ years of experience in real estate, finance, and analysis.
Further contact:
Email: contact@broadavenuegroup.com
Website: broadavenuegroup.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/broadavenue
